In this blog post, I will share my FAVORITE black furniture paint!

Black has quickly become one of my favorite colors to paint furniture with. I especially love using black on my French provincial finds!

I went through lots of headaches trying to figure out how to accomplish the best finish possible- 
when it came to black- I just kept running into problems!
 I finally found the solution that eliminated my problems with black paint! Get ready to be amazed!

Happy Flipping!

The Best BLACK furniture paint

Dixie Belle Paint Company- Black Sands

I wasted lots of time and energy trying to eliminate brush strokes & finish flaws when painting with black paint… None of the traditional methods gave me the finish I was looking for until I found this product!

Unlike most paint, that requires a primer + paint + top coat- the Silk line is an all-in-one. 
The best part about this paint is that the top coat is already built in!

This paint was not just a time saver and money saver- saving me the $$ I would usually spend on a top coat & the time spent to apply it- It also fixed all of the problems I was running into when using black paint!

If you are still brush painting furniture- this line of paint is a MUST TRY!

Links to purchase this paint on Amazon HERE!

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